The dioramas in this product can be used solo, and in conjunction with other SALT dioramas, to present many of Jesus’ journeys, conversations and miracles throughout the Gospels.
Events depicted include:
- The Feeding of the 5,000
- The Raising of Jairus’ Daughter
- The Healing of Blind Bartimaeus
- The Conversion of Zacchaeus
- The Sermon on the Mount
- Jesus’ Visit to Martha and Mary
This product includes:
- 33 Presentation Guides, covering various Gospel events ranging from the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry to His Ascension
- Figures of 14 Adults + 3 Children (ranging from 2-3.5 inches in height)
- 6 backdrops, depicting the Sea of Galilee, City Outskirts, A Pool in Jerusalem, A Street at Night, A Wealthy Home & a Crowd on a Mountainside
- Miniature fish, loaves, basket & fire
- Cream, brown & green felt
- Ornate wooden bamboo box
External to bamboo box, included in product:
- Large wooden tree
- Large wooden rocks
- White box for tree & rocks storage
Approximate weight: 1.42kg
Join THE LEARNING HUB to view the video of Dr Anne-Marie Irwin demonstrating how to present St Peter Speaks at Pentecost to children.