SALT in Schools & Parishes

- Curriculum outlines and programmes, compatible with a spiral liturgical curriculum, and tailored according to diocesan requirements.
- Demonstration sessions.
- Implementation of the SALT Approach, under the guidance of a SALT Education Consultant.
- Equipping teachers and schools with necessary materials.
- Professional development for schools and teachers.
- On-line access to video demonstrations, professional development, curriculum and student activities via our Learning Hub.
- Advanced standing courses in conjunction with select Universities.
- Sacramental programs for Baptism, Confirmation, First Holy Communion and Reconciliation. These programs include teacher’s manuals, student workbooks, craft activities, physical resources and training materials.
- Sunday School programs and materials covering the 3-year liturgical cycle. Suitable for all ages.
- Materials to support CCD (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine) and RCIA Adapted for Children (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) programs.
- Training for Sacramental Co-ordinators and Catechists (one day workshops, etc)
- On-line access to video demonstrations, professional development, curriculum and student activities via our Learning Hub.

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